
HD Family Law Exam Notes, used for the in-semester assessment and take-home final exam. Includes all relevant case notes as well as sample exam scripts. Topic 1 The Family Topic 2 Family Law Practices and Processes (Family Law Practices, Family Law Processes, Family Dispute Resolution & Private Ordering in the Family Law Courts) Topic 3 Marriage, Divorce and Defacto Relationships Topic 4 Dividing Property Under the FLA (The Legislative Framework, Applications for Property Settlement, Steps in the Property Division Process, Superannuation) Topic 5 Children's Rights and Parental Responsibility (Parental Powers and Responsibilities, Applying for Parenting Orders, Parenting Orders and Children's Time, Determining the Best Interests of the Child, Relocation Applications, Child Abuse & Family Violence) Topic 6 Family Law into the Future


Semester 2, 2020

108 pages

40,876 words



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