
These notes are the one-stop-shop to learning the basics of finance. Whether you're undertaking finance as a major or not, these notes compile content into a fun, readable document. They will be particularly useful for assignments and online exams (thanks covid!). Content is from lecture material, readings and prescribed textbook which most people did not get (but these notes have added tips and pointers to help understand concepts in a different way). All screenshots are of formulas only which are required to solve problems. Material includes: Week 1- Introduction to finance Week 2- The time value of money Week 3- Financial mathematics part 2 Week 4- Financial markets and institutions Week 5- Valuation of debt and equity Week 6- Risk and return part 1 Week 7- Risk and return part 2 Week 8- Risk and return part 3 Week 9- Foreign exchange Week 10- Interest rates Mark achieved- 96/100


Trimester 2, 2019

45 pages

10,742 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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January 2016