Property Law Notes (HD STUDENT)
Subject notes for ECU LAW2102
These are extremly detailed notes which include all main cases (with summaries of the case) that have been covered by lecture slides. The topics include: 1. Property rights and classifications. 2. Nature of Land 3. Doctrine of Fixtures Including: Accession / Intermixture / Encroachments / Crops and Trees. 4. Possession, Seisin and Title: Including Adverse Possession. 5. Fragmentation of Proprietary Interests in Land: Estates (Tenancy / Freeholds / Limiting Events / Life Estates and Waste) 6. Native Title: Establishment, Common Law and Compensation. 7. Acquisition and Transfer of Property Interests: Legal and Equitable interests in land / Relief and Part Performance / Equitable Estoppel. 8. Competing Proprietary Interest in Land.
Semester 1, 2020
63 pages
20,138 words