FULL YEAR - Research methods seminar (full year notes+readings)
Subject notes for WSU 100983
Research methods seminar full year notes. Includes readings (for second half) Broken down into tables and diagrams when necessary to assist learning First half Lecture 1: The Research Process Lecture 2: Introduction To Qulitative Research: Paradigms And Politics Lecture 3: The Dynamics of Interviewing Lecture 4: Thematic analysis Lecture 5: Interpreting and Reporting Qualitative Data Lecture 6: Data Collection, Reliability and Validity Lecture 7: Social and Ethical Context of Research Lecture 8: Survey development / Personal components analysis / Factor analysis Lecture 9: Data screening and Cleaning; Bootstrapping Lecture 10: Multiple Regression Lecture 11: Reporting and interpreting quantitative results second half Week 1: Quantitative Revisited Week 2: Logistic Regression Week 3: Structural Equation Modelling Week 4: Ethnography Week 5: Grounded Theory Week 6: Mixed Methods Research Week 7: Secondary/Documentary Data: Collection and Analysis Week 8: Repeated Measures (RM) ANOVA (within subjects) Week 9-11: best to learn off lecture slides Week 12: Discourse Analysis Week 13: Data Science, Big-data, Cloud, Meta-analysis
Semester 2, 2020
66 pages
25,504 words
WSU, Bankstown
Member since
February 2017