
I took EDUC105 Semester 2, 2019. My notes are very neat and are colourful as that's how I study best. Covering the themes of: - Child development: brain, biological information, adolescence, critical motivation, the peer group, - Identity status by James Marcia (1999): self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy, Higgins alternative concept - Cognitive development: Piaget & Vygotsky, intelligence, 4 main stages, educational implications, criticism of the theories, socio-cultural theory, ZPD - Socio-emotional development - Inclusive education: terminology, social model, medical model, five areas of the disability standards, learning disabilities, learning difficulties, ADD/ADHD - Curriculum and teaching strategies - Moral development: socialisation, theories - Lawrence Kohlberg's theory - Carol Gilligan's ethic of care - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Constructivism, intelligence, problem-solving, bullying, gender - David Geary's perspective of evolutionary educational psychology


Semester 2, 2019

26 pages

5,185 words


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