
Concise exam summary notes created for IBUS3600 in Semester 2, 2020. Summary of ALL key information needed to ace the final exam! Huge time saver, as these condensed notes include all exam relevant content, but less than half of the total course material. Perfect for exam revision. HD Exam Standard Notes. Includes content from all weeks, excluding Week 2: 1. Introduction and Course Overview 3. Motivation & Leadership across cultures 4. Expanding Abroad and the Entry Mode 5. Understanding the International Context: Responding to Conflicting Environmental Forces 6. Trade Policy in Developing Countries 7. Managing and Governing around the world 8. Organisation Structure in MNEs 9. External Economies of Scale and the International Location of Production 10. Implementing the Strategy: Building Multidimensional Capabilities 11. Internationalization Entrepreneurship and SMES 12. Unit Review


Semester 2, 2020

23 pages

8,305 words



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