
These notes includes all lectures and readings from the required textbook, P Radan, J Gooley & I Vickovich, Principles of Australian Contract Law, 4th ed, LexisNexis, Sydney, 2018, from weeks 1-13. They also include the scenarios and notes presented in tutorials Topics include: 1 Introduction to Contracts; Overview of Contract Remedies 2 Agreement – Offer and Acceptance 3 Consideration; Equitable Estoppel; Intention 4 Certainty and Completeness; Capacity; Requirement of Writing 5 Express Terms 6 Implied Terms; Construction of Terms; Exclusion Clauses 7 Misrepresentation; Misleading or Deceptive Conduct; Mistake 8 Duress; Undue Influence; Unconscionability 9 Discharge by Agreement; Discharge by Performance 10 Discharge by Breach; Discharge by Frustration 11 Illegality 12 Privity of Contract; Contract Theory 13 Contracts in Context; These notes also include detailed descriptions of key cases used throughout the semester. These notes are very detailed and extensive, allowing me to achieve a final grade of 85.


Semester 2, 2020

171 pages

105,279 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2020