
These notes are what I used for the exam and throughout the subject including the take home exam. They are structured as checklists to aid in answering problem solving questions and include topics 1-10: T1: INTRO TO TRUSTS T2: THE 3 CERTAINTIES (note that this topic is very brief as it was not on the exam) T3: CREATING AN EXPRESS TRUST T4: RESULTING TRUSTS T5: CHARITABLE TRUSTS T6: TRUSTEES DUTIES & POWERS: T7: TRUSTEES LIABILITY & TRACING: T8: FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIPS T9: ACCESSORY LIABILITY IN BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY: T10: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: They also include relevant case summaries. I used these notes to get a HD in the subject. Good luck!! :)


Semester 1, 2020

151 pages

26,868 words



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LaTrobe, Melbourne (Bundoora)

Member since

February 2016