
These notes cover all course content and is organised under under subheadings that are easy to study and refer to. Topics include: Introduction to health and public health, determinants of health, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander health, environmental health, global health, access to health care, childhood development and mental health, gender inequality, health in rural regions and employment and health, individuals vs. public health approaches, health governance and health promotion, community development and using research to inform policy. The best way to study is using active recall. Simply cover content under each subheading and see if you can recall the information! These notes do not exclude important details, so I suggest using these notes as your master document and making mindmaps for each topic as extra study. The detail in these notes is important for your online quizzes/exam. Note: the headings in the notes are simplified versions of the course topics and abbreviations are used in the notes where useful. I have excluded some diagrams of health models due to copyright (indicated in the notes). Simply add these images into the notes! This style of note taking has helped me achieve HD's across all my units. I hope you find them as helpful as I did!


Semester 2, 2020

55 pages

13,803 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2014

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