
Having done the exam, you'd need a comprehensive knowledge of ALL literacy and pedagogy terms, understand how to analyse texts and use your grammar knowledge to apply this literacy knowledge. These notes are synthesised, includes ALL important terms and language you need to know for the exam which is clear and easy to understand - a comprehensive and complete note of LITERACY ESSENTIALS. These notes include: Colour Coded Tables of: - Functional Model of Writing (A table of the 3 functional models of writing - Field, Tenor, Mode and its Register) - Language for Expressing Ideas (Process, Circumstance, Participant + synthesised examples) Notes of: - Glossary of Terms (This includes a full list of literacy and pedagogy terms compiled from weekly readings, tutorials and lectures that were both explicitly and implicitly mentioned that are necessary for acing this unit) - Analysing Texts (This includes a list of grammar and language that you must look out for when analysing a text for successful application) - Writing (This Includes components of writing, writing process and writing traits to identify when analysing texts) - Four Resources Model of Writing (This includes Code Breaking, Text Participant/Meaning-making, Text User, Text Analyst/Critic)


Semester 1, 2021

15 pages

3,635 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2020