
Topics Included: 1 - Relevance 2 - Burden and Standard of Proof; Presumptions and Inferences 3 - Testimonial Evidence from Witnesses, Competence, and Compellability 4- The Hearsay Rule, Rationale and Boundaries 5 - Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule 6 - Identification, Expert Opinions, and other Opinion Evidence 7 - Similar Fact (tendency, propensity, coincidence), evidence, character evidence, sexual history of rape victims 8 - Confessions/Admissions/Statements against interest 9 - Discretions, duties to exclude evidence, judicial warnings 10 - Privileges 11 - Examination of Witnesses 12 - Real Evidence


Semester 1, 2020

24 pages

5,374 words



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SCU, Lismore

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June 2021