
High quality notes that clearly, concisely and comprehensively outline the entire ECMT2150 course. Compiled from lecture notes, readings and additional case studies. HD quality notes. These notes concisely cover the entire course and any of the relevant case study examples and theories. Topics include all content from weeks 1 to 13: - Simple and multiple linear regression - Assumptions and properties - Multiple linear regression - Assumptions and Properties Lecture and tutorial - Inference in linear regression - Asymptotics of OLS. Incorporating Qualitative information (dummy and categorial variables) - Specification Issues I - Specification Issues II including Heteroskedasticity, and The Linear Probability Model - Specification Issues III - Endogeneity & Instrumental Variables - Instrumental variables (continued) -Treatment effects & panel data models


Semester 2, 2020

77 pages

26,810 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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February 2017