
PSYU2236 Biopsychology and Leaning - Full semester Lectures LEARNING - Introduction to Learning. - Non-associative learning - Classical Conditioning 1 (Introduction, terms and forms of CC) - Classical Conditioning 2 (Variations of CC and limitations in CC) - Classical Conditioning 3 (Temporal parameters of CC; Inhibition and extinction of CR) - Classical Conditioning 4 (Contingency; Rescorla Wagner) - Operant conditioning - Extinction - Punishment - Escape and Avoidance learning BIOPSYCHOLOGY - Behavioural Neuroscience - Genetics - Animal Models - The Nervous System - Brain cells - Neurophysiology - Neurochemistry - Communication between cells - Neurotransmitters - Substance Abuse - Addiction - Neurobiology Learning and Memory


Semester 2, 2020

35 pages

6,486 words



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