
These notes are a comprehensive compilation of my own readings notes, lecture and tute materials, and STS content. They have been concisely written for your convenience; they only have what you will need for the exam. In key places where you will have to analogise to cases, I have written out key facts (eg Daly:...). Please see FREE sample. In other areas, I have also put personal tips from me to 'CONSIDER' or 'NOTE' where you have to say something. I was in Lisa's class, and she can be particular in the way she wants her answers to be written. There are also a few diagrams and tables in conceptually difficult areas (in particular resulting trust) to help you understand and visualise the content. Topics covered: fiduciary relationships, express trusts, formalities, certainties, resulting trusts, constructive trusts, personal remedies, tracing


Semester 2, 2020

12 pages

4,797 words


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