LPAB 18 Conflict of Laws Exam Notes (Distinction)
Subject notes for USYD LPAB 18
All topics for elective LPAB 18 Conflict of Laws subject covered comprehensively. Topics covered are: Accidents on the High Seas Aerial Torts Choice of Law Choice of Law in Tort and Choice of Law in Contract in reference to a work-injury claim Choice of Law in Tort and Choice of Law in Contract in reference to injury on a ship Concurrent Liability in Tort and Contract Damages Discretionary non-exercise of jurisdiction Exclusionary Doctrines Exclusive Foreign Jurisdiction Clauses Forum Non Conveniens Forum Public Policy Governmental seizure of property Jurisdiction Liability in Tort and Contract Maritime Torts Phillips v Eyre Place of Tort Proof of Foreign Law Public Policy Considerations Renvoi Doctrine Substance and Procedure
Semester 1, 2021
30 pages
18,597 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2016