
Property Law notes used in LAWS4104 at the University of Western Australia. Course covers all aspects of property law and foundational property law concepts, focussing on the transfer and creation of interests in real and personal property. Overall Mark: 79% Topics Covered - Licence to be on Land - Physical Dimensions of Real Property (Minerals, Airspace, Water) - Possession (Finder's Rights, Occupier's Rights) - Abandonment - Adverse Possession - Fixtures - Acquisition and Transfer of Interests of Land - Formalities for Transfers of Legal Interests in Land - Creation of Interests in Equity - Priority Disputes Regarding Legal/Equitable Interests - Co-Ownership (Joint Tenancy, Tenancy in Common)


Semester 1, 2019

52 pages

19,802 words



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UWA, Crawley

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March 2016