ACCY111 High Distinction Notes
Subject notes for UOW ACCY111
This is a comprehensive notes that covers all the contents from lectures. As you can see in the sample notes, my notes included many technical and practical examples. Also, you can use the clickable table of contents to go to a specific lecture without having to scroll up and down every time. The textbook for this subject is Accounting 10th edition (Hoggett et al). These notes really helped me a lot in achieving a HD in the final exam. List of topics covered: Lecture 1 - Decision making and the role of accounting Lecture 2 - Financial statements for decision making & Regulation and the Conceptual Framework Lecture 3 - Financial statements for decision making Lecture 4 - Recording transactions Lecture 5 - Recording transactions Lecture 6 - Adjusting the accounts and preparing financial statements Lecture 7 - Completing the accounting cycle-closing and reversing entries Lecture 8 - Accounting for retailing Lecture 9 - Accounting systems Lecture 10 - Accounting and social responsibility Lecture 11 - Accounting and social responsibility Lecture 12 - Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
Semester 1, 2020
116 pages
22,029 words
UOW, Wollongong
Member since
November 2021