
Hi!! Thank you for checking out my notes! This unit was extremely interesting and my notes reflect that. I've condensed the information into a simple format with pictures - making it easy to study for assignments and exams. I've also taken the time to write down extra notes that helped me remember content. I received a distinction for this unit. Because I completed this unit in session 3, the content layout might be a bit different to how in-session will be, but all of the content will be the same. The table of contents is as follows: Week 1 – Part A - Lecture 1: Intro - Lecture 2: Feeding Strategies Week 1 – Part B - Lecture 3: Sensory Aspects of Feeding and Drinking I (taste) - Lecture 4: Sensory Aspects of Feeding and Drinking II (smell) Week 2 – Part A - Lecture 5: Thirst - Lecture 6: Drugs and Food Week 2 – Part B - Lecture 7: Food Choice (innate preferences) - Lecture 8: Biology, Experience, Development (food choice) Week 3 – Part A - Lecture 9: Food Taboos - Lecture 10: Regulation of Food Intake I (peripheral factors) Week 3 – Part B - Lecture 11: Regulation of food intake II (glucostatic and lipostatic theory) - Lecture 12: Regulation of food intake III (role of the brain) Week 4 – Part A - Lecture 13: The Food System - Lecture 15: Obesity I (BMI, stats) Week 4 – Part B - Lecture 17: Obesity II (causes, correlates) - Lecture 19: Obesity III (prevention, treatment Week 5 – Part A - Lecture 21: Obesity IV (treatment cont. - exercise, body image) - Lecture 22: Starvation Week 5 – Part B - Lecture 23: Eating Disorders (anorexia, bulimia)


Semester 2, 2021

147 pages

47,432 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

January 2020