85 HD BEST Tax Notes ALL YOU NEED (Concise & Comprehensive) (SEE SAMPLE)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS3412
These notes provide you with order and structure in how you approach problem questions. These are the best tax notes you will find, as it is summarises everything in just around 60 pages and has everything you will need in the course. It is concise, precise yet has enough detail that you won't be missing any information. I read all the cases, watched the lectures and combined tutorial notes in order to create these comprehensive set of notes. I then refined it multiple times to cut down to the key information that you would need in order to walk into an exam. Once you get the document, you will understand. ✓ Succinct information ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Colour-coded for easy reading Get these notes now and help yourself in tax law :) Notes are also colour coded so that you can easily determine what is relevant. Light blue = key principle Pink = Cases Dark blue = legislation Red / bold = anything super key to point out Topics: 1. Concept of Income 2. CGT 3. Income from Property 4. Taxation of Remuneration 5. Fringe Benefit Tax 6. Business Income 7. Compensation Receipts and Periodic Receipts 8. Deductions - Relevance 9. Deductions - Capital/Revenue Distinctions 10. Deductions - Trading Stock (Business Taxation) 11. Entity Taxation 12. International Taxation 13. Ethics *Feel free to message me for a copy of my academic transcript guaranteeing this mark
Semester 1, 2022
63 pages
37,992 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2018