
Lecture Why have a nervous system? Lecture The cellular basis of neural function Lecture Neural communication and plasticity Lecture Measurement of neural structure and function Lecture Development of the Nervous system Lecture Sex steroids and the nervous system Lecture Gustation and olfaction Lecture Vision 1 Lecture Vision 2 Lecture Tactile sensation and perception Lecture Auditory sensation and perception Lecture Autonomic nervous system 1 Lecture Autonomic nervous system 2 Lecture Digestion Lecture Lower motor neurons Lecture Upper motor neurons Lecture Modulation of Movement Optogenetics Lecture Control of gaze Lecture Learning and memory – systems Lecture Learning and memory – mechanisms Lecture Time place space Lecture Pain Lecture Fear Lecture Pleasure and reward Lecture Nervous system disorders 1 Lecture Nervous system diseases 2 Lecture Meta-plasticity Lecture Evolution and the NS Lecture Language Lecture Social cognition Lecture Rational thought Lecture How does the brain work? Lecture Consciousness


Semester 1, 2021

78 pages

40,960 words



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