
That ONE document you need to get you through the entire course with flying colours! All topics included from Week 1 till the end! Week 1: Development of corporate law in Australia; Contextual issues and business structure Week 2: Managing companies I – Formation, life cycle and corporate liability Week 3(A): Managing companies II – Corporate Constitutions Week 3(B): Managing companies II – Corporate Authority & Contracting Week 4(A): Managing Companies III – Company Meetings Week 4(B): Managing Companies III – Director Financial reporting and Role of Auditors Week 5: ASIC’s role in regulating companies, financial services and markets Week 6: Corporate Fundraising Week 7: Historical development and overview of corporate governance Week 8 I: Duty of care, skill and diligence and preventing insolvent trading Week 8 II: Overview of corporate insolvency Week 9: Good Faith and Proper Purpose; Overview of corporate control transactions Week 10: Managing Conflict of Interest Week 11: Members remedies What other useful tools are included? * Checklist of the topic areas to make sure you have all the issues written down in the exam * Scaffold or Templates for you to copy and paste into your exam paper (saving you time!) * Notes from Textbook (so you can also save money on purchasing the textbook) * All cases broken down into Facts, Issue and Held (Decision) * Colour-coded for your ease of reading


Spring session, 2021

122 pages

42,870 words



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