
A series of mindmaps for a VERY confusing subject taught by a VERY confusing lecturer. It was so hard to actually understand what's important and what isn't. These concept maps will help you understand and comprehend how each concepts connect to each other. Topics covered: - Sensory Tranduction: Mechanosensory, Gustatory, Olfactory, Auditory - Autonomic nervous system + relation to blood pressure - Neurogenesis - Vision - Motor control and modulation (basal ganglia & cerebellum) - Reward pathway - Fear and pain circuits (spinothalamic tract) - Memory production, retention & spatial memory - Linguistics (Wernicke's and Broca's) - Eye movements (Oculomotor, Trochlea, Abducens nucleus) - Social cognition (Pyramidal and Duchenne smile) These $ mindmaps (each) are highly recommended to be used with other notes and come SUPER handy during mid sem/ exam seasons as it really helps explain how different brain regions elicit an effect on the body.


Semester 1, 2022

8 pages

1,998 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

July 2021