
These notes which contain all legislation and relevant cases are formatted through headings and sub headings that make the notes very easy to follow and understand for an exam situation. These headings/sub-headings are framed as yes/no questions and include model responses with colour coded fill in the blanks depending on whether the answer to the question is yes or no (see sample notes for demonstration). Whilst this method of notes construction was incredibly arduous for myself, it provides for a clear understanding of how the legislation applies to a problem question and ensures a complete answer is written. With these methodically crafted notes, which allowed me to compartmentalise my deep understanding of the content into exam-ready responses, you will be able to succeed in any criminal law & procedure exam and save countless hours trying to understand content and make notes for this exam. The preliminary parts of these notes include a two page summary document: one for criminal procedure and the second for all offences/defences (page 2-3). They also include a guide to structuring answers depending on whether the question relates to Criminal Procedure, a single offender or multiple offenders (page 4-5) These comprehensive notes (my personal criminal law bible) will serve be the best asset to your learning and your ability to excel in criminal law & procedure. I have structured these notes as follows: How to structure your responses in an e-exam 4 Criminal Procedure 6 Initiating Proceedings (bringing a charge) 6 Did [PO/PSO/citzen] possess a Right to Arrest [D]? 6 Was the arrest executed lawfully? (Force/Search/Seizure) 14 Custody / Questioning / Investigation 21 Can fingerprinting be conducted on [D]? 35 Can a forensic procedure be conducted on [D]? 40 Should bail be granted to [D]? 44 Criminal Responsibility 75 Defences 85 Strict and Absolute Liability 104 Drug Offences 119 Is [D] guilty of an offence under s75? — Use of a DOD? 124 Is [D] guilty of an offence Section 73 — Possession of a DOD? 128 Is [D] guilty of an offence Section 71AC — Trafficking of a DOD? 139 Did [D] traffick at or 500m from a school (s71AC(2)) 148 Did [D] traffick a large commercial (s71) or commercial quantity (s71AA)? 149 Is [D] guilty of an offence under ss 71AB? — trafficking to a child 151 Was there an attempted trafficking? 154 Property Offences 155 Has [D] committed Theft under s 72? 156 Has [D] obtaining property by deception (OPD)? (s81) 182 Has [D] obtained financial advantage by deception? (S82) (‘OFAD’) 194 Is [D] guilty of Robbery? 199 Is [D] guilty of Armed Robbery? 205 Is [D] guilty of Burglary? 211 Is [D] guilty of Aggravated Burglary? 220 Is [D] guilty of an attempt? 228 Is [D2] guilty of an offence pursuant to s323 as a complicit party to [insert offence/s]? 238 Divergence from plans 250 Accessory after the Fact (s325 CA) 257


Semester 1, 2022

262 pages

72,061 words



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