
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL406. This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. My mark was 96 HD for the subject. I scored 100% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. The topics include: Topic 1 - The Origin and Nature of Equity and its Relationship with the Common Law Topic 2 - Undue Influence and Unconscientious Dealing Topic 3 - Fiduciary Obligations Topic 4 - Fiduciary/equitable remedies Topic 5 Equitable Remedies: Injunctions and Specific Performance Topic 6 - Nature of Trusts Topic 7 - Trustee Duties Topic 8 - Beneficiary and Trustee Rights and Powers & Statutory Formalities and Complete Constitution of Trusts Topic 9 - Certainty Requirements for Express Trusts Topic 10 - Charitable Trusts Hope these help you smash Equity and Trusts!


Trimester 2, 2021

43 pages

20,000 words



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