
Extremely detailed notes for 12 weeks of content. - Characteristics of life - Skeletal systems - Bones & Joints - Muscles - Types of muscle - Levers - Digestive Systems - Feeding - Porifera (sponges) - Cnidaria (sea jellies, sea anemones & corals) - Plathelminths (flatworms, flukes & tapeworms) - Annelids (segmented worms) - Molluscs - Echinoderms - Arthropods - Trophic Levels - Fish (Osteichthyes) - Amphibians - Mammal Food Sources - Cellulose Fermentation - Herbivore Digestive Strategies - Herbivore Dentition - Body size - Reproduction - Fertilisation (syngamy) - Life History - Parasites - Nematode Life History Evolution - Eggs - r/K Strategy of Vertebrates - Vertebrate Fertilisation - Testes & Sperm Production - Vertebrate Modes of Reproduction - Aquatic vs Terrestrial Environments - Circulatory Systems - Mammalian Heart - Water Movement - Osmoregulation - Vertebrate Kidney - Respiration - Countercurrent Exchange - Ventilation - Stimulus Response - Chemoreception - Mechanoreception (touch) - Mechanoreception (hearing) - Vertebrate Hearing - Photoreception


Semester 2, 2021

63 pages

21,314 words



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Monash, Clayton

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June 2022