
Are you nervous for your IPCL exam, and need someone to lend a hand? These notes are your best bet. Crafted through numerous hours reading the cases, these notes carefully set out the key points from Topic 1 to Topic 5B, allowing you to get straight into understanding and preparation. These notes are *not* needlessly long, excessively detailed, or perform interpretive dances around the point. Instead, these notes are concise, clear, and enable you to readily understand key points - highly desirable in an exam situation. Markers are looking for a clear understanding of the legal points, and a refined grasp of the facts of the exam question, including its nuance. Accordingly, you need notes that back you up, not drag you down. What is included in these notes? Take a look: Topic 1 - Briefly, as this was assessed in the Mid-Semester Topic 2 - Delivery, Ownership, Finders, Gift, Sale, Bailment Topic 3 - Chose in Action, Assignability, Trusts, Unadministered deceased estates Topic 4 - Assignment of Legal Interests, Dealings with Equitable Interests, Assignment of future property Topic 5A - Priorities under Sale of Goods Act, All General Law Priorities Topic 5B - PPSA Flowcharts: At the end of certain topics or sub-topics (those which require clarification), there is a clear flowchart outlining the steps to take when addressing any exam question on a given topic. Flowcharts are best for your study as exams change from year to year, and the markers and unit coordinate ALWAYS condemn the use of scaffolds - they can tell! Don't needlessly lose marks my copying someone else's scaffold, check out these bonus flowcharts instead. Advice: IPCL is won and lost through practice. I highly recommend taking these notes, the lecture slides or textbook (your preference), and working through the tutorial questions in the UoS and any past-exams provided by the coordinator. This is the most efficient use of your time. Purchasing these notes will save you the gruelling task of wading through the cases yourself.


Semester 1, 2022

39 pages

15,065 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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January 2019