
This is a super handy step-by-step schematic that proved critical in helping me move steadily through the hypothetical component of the final Remedies exam. It is concise, thorough and easy to follow. Become familiar with its structure by using it to practice for your exam. The schematic covers all material from the subject as follows: 1. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT 2. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES IN TORT 3. STATUTORY DAMAGES UNDER THE ACL 4. EQUITABLE COMPENSATION 5. VINDICATION/PUNISHMENT 6. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE 7. PERMANENT INJUNCTIONS 8. INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTIONS 9. LORD CAIRNS' ACT DAMAGES 10. GAIN-BASED REMEDIES 11. RESTITUTION FOR UNJUST ENRICHMENT 12. RESCISSION Be advised that I created this schematic while taking the in-semester (12-week) Remedies subject. Hence, they are all-inclusive. For those doing Remedies as a November intensive, be sure to look carefully through your reading guide and skip over/remove the content that you are not being taught and examined on. Go get yourself that H1! About me: I am a H1 student who did very well in Remedies. I am now a qualified Remedies tutor and teach the subject as part of MLS' ITAS tutorial scheme.


Semester 1, 2022

35 pages

14,087 words



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