
While these notes cover the entire topic in depth, they are completely colour-coded and organised for easy understanding. They are structured according to the process of answering an exam or assignment question and include relevant references and case summaries. Topics covered include: - Maxims of Equity; - Undue Influence; - Unconscionable Bargains; - Breach of Confidence; - Fiduciary Duties; - Equitable Estoppel; - Failed Joint Endeavours (Constructive Trusts); - Equitable Remedies; - Establishing a Trust; - Alternatives to Trusts; - Duties, Powers, and Rights; - Secret/Half-Secret Trusts; - Void and Voidable Trusts; and - Breaches of Trust. Equity and Trusts is a complex topic and can be very confusing, particularly in exam conditions where you may be faced with the task of identifying and addressing a range of issues. These notes are designed to progress through each important question in a logical order and provide key cases and phrases where required.


Semester 2, 2022

55 pages

13,873 words



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QUT, Gardens Point

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February 2018