
These are notes that the author wrote as a weekly summary of PHRM30002 while completing this subject, they helped in attaining a H1 so hopefully you can also find them helpful. This contains notes from all the lecture topics of PHRM30002, in the order of the course: - Targets for Drug Action - Peripheral Nerves - Catecholamines, Acetylcholine - Blood-Brain Barrier, Glial Cells - Serotonin - Neuropeptides, Neuroendocrine systems - Amino Acid Neurotransmitters - Pain - Ion channels - Neurotrophic factors, Neurotoxicity - Alzheimer's, Parkinson's - Depression - Sedatives - Sleep - Addiction - Schizophrenia - Motor Neuron Disease. (The immune system is not covered as it was not taught in Semester 2, 2022.) Overall, key knowledge is explained in easily understandable lists and tables. For some of the earlier topics, there are also relevant additional notes on topics such as the nervous system and co-transmission.


Semester 2, 2022

49 pages

21,855 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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January 2020