HD (91) CHM3922 End of Semester Summary Notes (Mechanisms)
Subject notes for Monash CHM3922
Concise and clear summary notes on the essential mechanisms (+ reagents) needed for the end of semester exam. These A3 notes cover weeks 5-12. Topics covered: Kellie's weeks - Reduction - Oxidation - Hydrogeneration - Protecting groups - Pericyclic reactions Phillip's weeks - Aromaticity - EAS (Nitration, Sulfonation, Friedel's Craft Akylation) - NAS (Diazonium salt, Benzyne intermediate, Catalytic Pyridine) - Vilsmeier reaction - Lithiation - Paal Knor Synthesis - Hantzsch Synthesis - Suzuki's Catalytic Cycle
Semester 2, 2022
9 pages
1,648 words