Equity and Trusts Concise Exam Notes (HD Standard)
Subject notes for UTS 70517
These concise, well-structured and well-formatted set of notes are perfect for the final exam. Take a look through the preview to check out all the topics covered and the quality of the notes for yourself! Topics covered include: 1. Undue Influence 2. Unconscionable Dealing 3. Estoppel 4. Part Performance 5. Fiduciary Obligations & 3rd Party Liability 6. Equitable Estates and Interests 7. Assignment of Property in Equity 8. Express Trusts 9. Charitable Trusts 10. Resulting Trusts 11. Constructive Trusts
Semester 2, 2022
26 pages
6,884 words
UTS, Broadway & Markets
Member since
February 2011