
These notes were used to HD (88) the LAW4332 Criminal Law and Procedure unit. These are detailed and structured notes covering the entirety of the examinable course material (including case summaries and clear step-by-step guides to answer problem or exam questions on each topic). The notes are colour coded throughout including key information, legislation, cases and topic links. These features make the notes accessible and easy to use to produce HD-level responses in the assignment and exam. * Topic 2 - Criminal Procedure; * Topic 3 - Criminal Responsibility and Defences; * Topic 4 - Strict and Absolute Liability; * Topic 5 - Drug Offences; * Topic 6 + 7 - Property Offences * Topic 8 - Attempts * Topic 9 - Complicity Please ensure you adapt these notes for any changes to the course for your semester.


Semester 1, 2020

51 pages

20,709 words



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Monash, Clayton

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March 2023