
The 2022 edition of Object Oriented Programming includes ALL weekly content from Semester 1, 2022 of FIT2099, taken at Monash University. The notes cover the following topics: - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Foundations of Abstraction - Classes and Objects - Dependencies and Associations - Three Core Design Principles - Inheritance - Static and Final - Encapsulation in Java - Abstract Classes - Interfaces - Enumerations - Java Style - Dynamic Models - Design by Contract - Assertions and Exceptions - JavaDocs - Constants - Static Factory - SOLID Principles - Dependency Control - Connascence - Connascence and Encapsulation - Abstraction Review - Defensive Copying - Dependency Injection - Generics - Code and Design Smells - Refactoring - Design How, When and Why Notes also include custom code snippets and examples.


Semester 1, 2022

77 pages

11,461 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

March 2019