
All you need to sit through Admin Law exam with HD Mark! - Problem solving/HIRAC structure - Exam sentences included ( all you need is minor paraphrasing) - All legislation and case laws included and highlighted - All case laws sourced - All required reading case laws included in detail Topics List: 1) Jurisdiction 2) Standing 3) Privative Clause/ Restrictions on Judicial Review 4) Jurisdictional Error 5) Merits Review 6) Freedom of Information 7) All grounds of judicial review - Procedural Fairness (Fair Hearing Rule) - Procedural Fairness (Rule against Bias) - Unreasonableness - No evidence - Fettering of Discretion/Dictation - Failure to consider relevant/mandatory matters - Consideration of irrelevant ( prohibited matters) - Unauthorised Purposes - Fact/ Law Distinction - Jurisdictional Facts 8) Remedies


Semester 1, 2022

132 pages

43,078 words



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