
Excellent, super detailed course notes and scaffolds prepared by a Distinction student!!! Perfect and very useful for final exam revision!! Includes content from lectures, seminars and textbook, and legislation and case law!! Topics 1) Introduction to Tax and the Australian Tax System 2) Concepts of Income 3) Income from Property and Capital Gains Tax 4) Income from Services and Fringe Benefits Tax 5) Business Income 6) Deductions – Relevance 7) Deductions – Trading Stock (business taxation) 8) Deductions – The capital/revenue distinction 9) Deductions – Depreciation (business taxation) 10) Entity Taxation: Partnerships, Trusts, and Companies (Imputation) 11) Goods and Services Tax 12) Tax Administration 13) Ethical conduct and rules to counter tax avoidance


Semester 1, 2023

148 pages

87,544 words



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