
These notes contain every topic covered in the course for the full 12 weeks of the course. - Introduction to Financial Economics and Probability - Risk Uncertainty & Expected Utility - Effects of Initial and State-Dependent Wealth - Optimal Level of Risk Taking/Investment and Insurance - Buying Insurance and Options: Comparative Statics - Determining the Amount of Insurance to Buy and the Price - Complete Market for State-Contingent Claims - Intertemporal Decision Making - Time Consistency and the Discounting Utility - Optimal Intertemporal Choice - Saving and Borrowing in Imperfect Markets - Market Equilibrium These notes are extremely detailed and as such act as their own teaching resources in addition to the lectures provided during the course. They were extremely helpful for me as I am sure they will be for you, especially in a course which is all about remembering facts and information.


Semester 1, 2023

55 pages

16,055 words



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Adelaide, North Terrace

Member since

February 2022