
Extensive exam structure notes used to achieve a HD in Evidence. Notes include: - a step-by-step process to each topic which will assist you in understanding how to structure and answer an exam question; - useful tables with key cases and key takeaways; - sample script and proforma sentences for each topic; and - helpful hints and comments on what is important in each topic. Topics include: 1. Burdens and standards 2. Relevance 3. Competence and Compellability 4. Examination of witness 5. Privildege 6. Character and Credibility 7. Accused's right to silence 8. Tendency and Coincidence 9. Hearsay 10. Admissions 11. Illegally obtained information


Semester 2, 2020

48 pages

18,123 words



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Monash, Clayton

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July 2023