DISTINCTION - FULL NOTES + SCAFFOLDS: Media Contempt and Open Justice
Subject notes for USYD LAWS3451
Comprehensive full course notes (including full sections of relevant legislation and case notes) These notes also include clear and concise scaffolds/summaries used to obtain an 82 in the final exam worth 100% of the total grade. Contains all the information you need to answer a problem question & structured to guide you all the steps. Contains the following topics: - Introduction to Contempt - Introduction to Open Justice - Contempt: Sub Judice Contempt - Contempt: Interference with the Administration of Justice as an Ongoing Process - Contempt: Improper Conduct - Contempt: Civil Contempt - Access to Court Files - Suppression and Non-Publication Orders - Special Provisions: Children and Sexual Assault Victims Sample notes are from the scaffolds/summaries.
Semester 1, 2021
153 pages
111,395 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2016