
Extremely comprehensive international law notes, including all relevant topics. I've also included detailed discussion on unresolved areas of law which you would be required to evaluate in an exam, such as the test for self defence against non-state actors. These notes draw on multiple textbooks and articles beyond the provided reading materials. I included many case references and arguments that go beyond what is expected. I found this extremely useful to distinguish an exam answer from others and achieve high HD grades. At the end of then notes I have included an exam checklist full of common mistakes and omissions. - Statehood - Non-state Actors - Sources of International Law - Treaties and the VCLT - State Responsibility and Attribution - Dispute Resolution Mechanisms - Threats and the Use of Force - Self-Defence - Jurisdiction - Immunities - Exam Checklist.


Semester 2, 2022

78 pages

22,878 words



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