
These notes are a full set ( covering 13 weeks of content) of notes for the core introductory microeconomics unit taught at USYD. The notes were complied using a combination of lecture, textbook and tutorial information as well as additional research I undertook to better understand confusing concepts. The notes allowed me to achieve an HD result for the unit. The topics covered in the notes are: - Key economic concepts and general useful mathematical concepts for ECON1001 - Trade & the PPF - Demand - Production & costs - Supply - Market equilibrium & welfare - Elasticity - The perfectly competitive market - Monopoly - Oligopoly & came theory (including. cournot oligopolies) - Government intervention (price regulation, taxes & subsidies) - Externalities - Public goods and services - Asymmetric information The sample of the notes includes pages from various topics of the full notes and a small preview of the summary.


Semester 1, 2023

69 pages

19,920 words



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