HD Public International Law Condensed notes+ Comprehensive HD Exam Answer Scaffold
Subject notes for USYD LAWS1023
Literally topped my class from these PIL exam scaffolds. It literally has the exact words you will need to write in the exam and the exact legislation/case laws you will need to integrate into your answer. Save your time in the exam by knowing exactly how to phrase your answer to a high standard and what arguments you can put forward to support/challenge your answer. They do not cover every single topic in PIL- but they cover the bulky and big topics that is guaranteed to come up every exam (and where the most discussion and marks will be!!) For instance, diplomatic immunity, state responsibility, use of force The other smaller topics (eg. acuiqisition of land) are not comprehensive as they are likely to only be a few marks in exam. check out my other HD exam scaffolds. 1: Nature of PIL, sources of International Law 2: Law of Treaties 3: PIL and Municipal Law 4: Personality, Statehood, Self-determination 5:Title to Territory 6: State Jurisdiction 7:Immunity from JD 8: Law of State Responsibility 9: Use of Force 10: Dispute settlement
Semester 2, 2022
9 pages
8,200 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
July 2020
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