Admin Law course guide and exam notes/hypotheticals
Subject notes for UniMelb LAWS50032
This initially started off as exam notes, but I thought that given how complicated and messy the UoM Admin course was, I decided to develop it into a complete course guide for students in the order you would use for an exam. You won’t even need to spend $200 on textbooks! Sectioned by topic groups, and then individual topics. Relevant legislation in every topic so no need to cross-reference multiple documents. Exam hypotheticals at the end too. Jurisdiction Merits/Legality distinction Jurisdiction of the court Potential remedies Standing Grounds - Procedural Fairness - Want of jurisdictional fact - Legal authority - Delegation - Relevant/irrelevant consideration - Inflexible application of policy - Unreasonable Jurisdictional/non-jurisdictional error - Jurisdictional error - Materiality - Non-jurisdictional error Consequences of breach Limitation devices - Privative clauses - No-invalidity clauses - Evidentiary limitation clauses Remedies - Mandamus - Prohibition - Certiorari - Equitable remedies Hypothetical structure for exam Essay issues Legislation
Semester 1, 2023
249 pages
113,386 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
August 2021