
Detailed notes including all relevant case law (pink) and legislative provisions (green) to assist you in preparing for your Contracts A assessments and exam!! Good luck <3 Includes • detailed notes on the basic concepts and fundamental principles of contract law • notes on international contract law and the CISG • bonus detailed case summaries!! Topic list 1. Introduction to contract law 2. Offer 3. Acceptance 4. International contract law 5. Consideration 6. Intention 7. Certainty 8. Capacity 9. Formalities 10. Privity 11. Estoppel 12. Express terms - identification and incorporation 13. Express terms - construction 14. Implied terms 15. Good faith 16. Australian Consumer Law - Consumer Guarantees 17. Australian Consumer Law - Unfair contract terms


Semester 2, 2023

160 pages

74,864 words



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