
Comprehensive but concise notes covering all topics needed for the assignment and final exam. I use subheadings and colour-coding to divide the material in a really clear and understandable way (especially helpful in the final exam when trying to locate a specific piece of info). I also included a key vocab section at the start of each topic, and used diagrams and flowcharts which make the content easier to understand. These notes cover all topics (1-10): 1. Introduction 2. Business processes and systems documentation 3. Cost behaviour, cost drivers and cost estimation 4. Product costing systems - job costing 5. Product costing systems - process costing 6. Overhead costing - traditional 7. Overhead costing - ABC 8. Standard costing and variance analysis 9. Database management systems 10. Environmental and social management accounting


Spring session, 2021

31 pages

11,788 words



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