
Topics: 1. Fundamentals of Health Law 2. Regulation of Health Professionals 3. Social Media and the Contemporary Health Practitioner 4. Key Legal Principles of Consent and Medical Treatment 5. Specific Issues of Consent 6. Specific Issues of Consent: Children and Adults Who Lack Capacity 7. Pre-Conception: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Other Challenges 8. Pre-Conception: Controversies at the Beginning of Life 9. Controversies Towards the End of Life: Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment from Adults and Children 10. Controversies Towards the End of Life: Voluntary Assisted Dying and Advance Care Directives 11. Organ and Tissue Donation and Determination of Death Contains in-depth notes, as well as useful lists for reference at the beginning of topics containing all cases, legislation, bodies/authorities and further reading noted. These notes were pivotal in helping me achieve a High Distinction (84) in this subject.


Trimester 3, 2022

125 pages

22,837 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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January 2021