
Full exam essay notes with all theories - includes notes from readings + lectures + textbook. ORDER OF NOTES - Sigmund Freud - Alfred Adler - Carl Jung - Abraham Maslow - Humanistic Theories - Carl Rogers - Humanistic Theories - Trait Theories (Sheldon, Allport, Cattell) - Personal Construct Theory (Kelly) - Big 5 - Learning Theory / Social Learning Theory ( Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, Bandura) - Erik Erikson - Psychobiological Theories of Personality - Big 3 Eyesenck - Gray's BIS/BAS - The Brain and Personality - Albert Ellis - Personality Disorders - Cluster A - Cluster B - Cluster C


Semester 1, 2023

18 pages

6,761 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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November 2023