
Consulting Fundamentals 1 Week 1 Introduction to Consulting 2 The management consultancy industry (Chapter 2) 2 Case study: McKinsey and the Globalization of Consultancy 3 Week 2 Operating models 4 What is Consulting? 4 Definitions 5 Functionalist Perspective (client as buyer) - Werr & Styhre, 2003 5 Critical Perspective (Client as victim) - Werr & Styhre, 2003 5 Evaluation of Consultancies: challenges 6 Measuring the effect of MC - Sturdy, 2011; Baajj, 2014 6 Setting consultancy fees 7 Business Operating Models 7 Hybrid vs. Pure Consultancies 7 Small vs. Large Consultancies 7 Body-Shopping 8 Internal Consultancy - Bernholz & Tang, 2015 8 Case Study: The Effect of Advice 8 Management Consultancy (Chapter 1) - Baajj 9 The Management Consultancy Firm (Chapter 3)? - maybe later… 10 Week 3 Consulting Lifecycle & the Client-Consultant Relationship 10 The Trust Equation 10 Case study: When Consultants & Clients Clash 10 Selling a Consultancy Project (Chapter 5) 11 The Sales Funnel 11 The Consultative Approach to Selling a Project 11 Setting the Fee 12 The Nature of Client-Consultant Interaction - (Nikolova & Devinney, 2012) 13 The Expert Model 13 The ‘reflective practitioner’ model 13 Critical Model 13 Week 5 Structured Problem Solving 14 The Nature of Problem Solving in Consulting 14 Approaches to Problem Solving 14 Purpose of Structured Problem Solving 14 What is Structured Problem-Solving? 14 What is a Hypothesis? 15 Steps in Structured Problem Solving Methodology 15 Step 1: Define the problem 15 Descriptive Hypothesis (Problem-Based) 15 Step 2: Structure the Problem / Solutions 16 Step 3a & 3b: Prioritize 16 Step 4a & 4b: Analyze 16 Types of Data and Analysis 16 Step 5a & 5b: Synthesize 17 Step 6: Recommend 17 Identifying A client’s Real Problem (Chapter 6) 17 Structuring the Real Problem (Chapter 7) 18 Multi-level Problem Solving - The micro-foundations approach 18 Models for Problem-Solving 19 ● Answer-First Problem-Solving Bain & Company 19 ● Structured Problem-Solving McKinsey & Company 19 ● Sequential Analysis McKinsey & Company 19 Designing and conducting analyses (Chapter 8) 19 Developing a solution (Chapter 9) 20 Week 6 Structured Communication 21 Understanding the Audience: Two Different Starting Points 21 The Pyramid or Minto Approach - (Minto, 1998) 22 The use of PowerPoint to help communicate to clients 23 Storyboard 23 Structuring a Presentation (Chapter 10) 24 Week 7+8 Consulting Tools 25 Week 9 Agents of Change? 28 Challenges of Change Management 28 Consultants’s problematic roles in change process 28 Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Model - framework for change 30 Preparing for Implementation (Chapter 11) 30 Facilitating an Implementation (Chapter 12) 31 Week 10 Fads & Fashions vs. the Long View 32 Week 11 Professional Development and Career Paths 33 Week 12 Evolution of Consulting 34


Semester 2, 2023

35 pages

11,980 words



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