
These HD notes cover all the topics found in LAW4170 Trusts at Monash University and are up to date as of Semester 2, 2023. They have been made as clear and succinct as possible for use during exams and feature pre-written scripts for every section of every topic to help get you started on any given problem question. I've also included useful, pre-written analogies for all the most important cases. Topics include: - Certainty of intention - Certainty of subject matter - Certainty of object - Constitution of the trust - Statutory writing formalities - Charitable purpose trusts - Quistclose trusts - Trustee duties - Defences and limitations on liability - Rights of trustees - Rights of beneficiaries - Remedies


Semester 2, 2023

40 pages

13,300 words



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Monash, Clayton

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January 2018