LLB3300 Civil Procedures High Distinction Exam Notes
Subject notes for UOW LLB3300
These notes are structured in a clear and logical manner to cover all the Civil Procedures contents for LLB 3300. The notes are concise yet comprehensive, including all relevant rules and case law. These notes serve as a perfect quick reference for final exam, as it not only provides you with a step-by-step guide to approach questions under each topic, but also with sufficient authority to support your answers! With the help of these notes, I achieved 85 for my final exam and High Distinction for this subject. You will be confident to sit your final exam as I did. Topics covered in these notes are: • Initiate Proceedings by SOC or Summons • Cause of Action and Estoppel • Joinder: Joinder of Plaintiffs/ Defendants • Cause of Action: Join/Amendment of Cause of Action • Appearance and Pleadings • Amendment: within/ out of limitation period • Cross-claims • Response to Cross-claims & Defense • Discovery • Subpoena • Interrogations • Services: service in NSW, interstate service, overseas service, substituted service • Conclusions of Trial: Default judgment, Summary judgment, Dismissal of Proceedings • Irregularities and Nullity • Guiding Principles of Civil Procedures • Jurisdictions and Limitations • Checklist for Acting for the Plaintiff/ Defendant
Semester 1, 2023
56 pages
6,500 words
UOW, Wollongong
Member since
February 2021