MLL213 Torts Notes (HD)
Subject notes for Deakin MLL213
Includes notes on the following topics as well as well as key cases. 1. Damages and Statutory Compensation Schemes 2&3. Trespass to the Person 4. Proprietary Torts 5. Negligence - Introduction and Duty of Care 6. Negligence - Special Duty of Care Situations: Omissions and Mental Harm 7. Negligence - Breach of Duty 8. Negligence - Causation and Remoteness 9. Negligence - Defences 10. Statutory Duties and Powers 11. Vicarious Liability, Non-Delegable Duties and Multiple Tortfeasors These notes were pivotal in helping me achieve a High Distinction (80) in this unit.
Trimester 1, 2023
98 pages
26,484 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
February 2021